
Kimberly-Clark Softex Partners with UNICEF Indonesia in Helping Thousands of Girls Improve Healthy and Clean Behavior During Menstruation

1 out of 6 girls miss school during their menstruation due to the lack of menstrual hygiene management knowledge and proper sanitation facilities*

Jakarta, 26 October 2021 – Kimberly-Clark Softex (PT Softex Indonesia) #DariSaudari social campaign, in collaboration with UNICEF Indonesia, has contributed to improve the health and hygiene behaviors of thousands of girls in district and cities in Eastern Indonesia.

Through #DariSaudari social campaign, Kimberly-Clark Softex supports UNICEF Indonesia with an annual grant of Rp. 1,500,000,000 (one billion and five hundred million Indonesian Rupiah) towards their WASH programs and the promotion of OKY, an integrated educational app of UNICEF, as a trusted source of information on health and menstrual hygiene. As of October 2021, #DariSaudari campaign has contributed to the improvement of proper WASH access in 1,327 schools in 6 districts/cities including Timika, Sorong and Kupang, enabling more than a thousand girls to enjoy safe and friendly facilities.

As the name implies, #DariSaudari also carries the enthusiasm of Kimberly-Clark Softex consumers to support the achievements of a better health standard for Indonesia’s next generation. Commenced in 2019, the campaign has been supporting UNICEF Indonesia’s programs in providing access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene facilities (WASH), and promoting OKY, UNICEF’s integrated educational app on Menstrual Health and Hygiene, as a source of credible information. The campaign, which allows consumers to contribute through product purchase, was launched to help create a safer and friendlier environment for young girls in schools in under-developed areas in Papua, West Papua, South Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara.

Speaking about the success of #DariSaudari social campaign, Hendra Setiawan, President Director of Kimberly-Clark Softex, said, “#DariSaudari campaign demonstrates our commitment to improving lives and opportunities of girls by giving access to safe and friendly hygiene facilities and be equipped with healthy behaviour knowledge, especially to those living in rural areas. Through our partnership with UNICEF Indonesia, we have contributed to help young women and girls better manage their hygiene and health. Kimberly-Clark Softex shares the same vision with UNICEF and our consumers, who have played a role in helping their sisters in the east by taking part in preparing healthier Indonesian girls through #DariSaudari social campaign”.

In line with the Government's target of improving the health and well-being of teenagers by ensuring access to reproductive health information and facilities, as outlined in the Strategic Plan of 2020-2024 of the Ministry of Health, Kimberly-Clark Softex has been continuously paying great attention to the accessibility of knowledge and proper sanitation facilities. Data from the Ministry of Health indicates that 70.1% of Indonesian females aged 10-19 years old have started their period** - this demonstrates the importance of mainstreaming menstrual hygiene management education, especially at schools. The partnership with UNICEF Indonesia through #DariSaudari social campaign - which has touched thousands of schools and teenagers - is a tangible manifestation of Kimberly-Clark Softex's commitment in supporting the achievement of the Indonesian Government's goal, toward a healthier nation and inclusive personal hygiene.

“All women experience menstruation, yet 1 in 2 Indonesian girls know very little about menstrual hygiene management. UNICEF strives to address this gap by collaborating with Government and private sector,” said Debora Comini, UNICEF Indonesia Representative. “In partnership with Kimberly-Clark Softex Indonesia, we have already made remarkable progress in Papua and Nusa Tenggara, providing a safer and friendlier environment for young women.”

One of the beneficiaries of the health and hygiene programme for girls, Calista Inna Kii, a 6-grade student at SDI Lolaramo, West Wewewa Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, said, “I am very happy to learn about menstrual hygiene management, helping me understand what menstruation really is and what I can do when I am experiencing it. In the past, when I had my period, I felt tired, dizzy, embarrassed and uncomfortable. But after undergoing this MHM class, I am better informed with knowledge on how to manage my period. School conditions have also improved. Now, in the toilets at school, there is clean water and sanitary napkins are available, enabling me to change sanitary napkins every 3 hours.” Calista said.